FAQs & Information About Bees
This is a list of questions and answers that The Bee Hunter is often asked about bees and how to control them. You may also be interested in reading further information about Bee Sting Prevention and First-Aid from The Bee Hunter.

Ask The Bee Hunter…
Common Concerns & Questions About Bees
Safety of Bee Removal & Wasp Control
Bee Removal Procedures & Methods
Experience in the Field of Bee Removal
Bee Sting Prevention, First-Aid, and Allergic Reactions
Common Concerns & Questions About Bees
I really don’t like bees and have been afraid of them since I was young. Is this normal?
Fear of Bees, Hornets, Wasps, and Yellow Jackets is very common and very normal – maybe even a basic instinct. Many of my customers feel similarly, and I am careful to treat everyone with understanding, consideration, and respect.
I see bees or yellow jackets flying in and out of a small hole, gap, crack, or crevice on the outside of my house. Should I spray them with some wasp killer and seal that entrance hole shut with caulking, foam, cement, or a stick? Isn’t that what you would do anyway?
No, do NOT seal the entrance hole! This is the worst response to such a situation – sadly, it is often the most common. When you seal the entrance, you’re not sealing them outside, you’re trapping them inside – typically by the thousands! The bees (or more likely, yellow-jackets) will find some other way out which is most often into your home through electric outlets, light fixtures, or vents.
Yeah, But What If…
Please don’t.
Whoops! Too late. Now I’ve got a real mess on my hands.
If it is too late, and you are reading this after the fact, give me a call; I’ll take care of everything – most likely today.
Please Note: This is one of the most common questions I receive, and I want to strongly discourage people from putting themselves into such a dangerous situation. When I’m finally called in, the treatment is more time consuming, difficult, and expensive.
Why did these bees show up here? Why me?
Generally speaking, it’s the luck of the draw. That said, bees are more attracted to certain types of construction, and I keep busiest in new suburban housing developments.
Should I get rid of all my flowers? Would that help get rid of the bees?
Not at all. Your flowers are beautiful, and they don’t attract bees to your home itself, nor do they make their nesting there any more likely. Keep them.
Experience in the Field of Bee Removal & Pest Control
How long have you been offering bee and wasp removal services?
For more than 34 years, and I do all of my own work.
Do you have all the necessary certification, licensing, and insurance?
Absolutely. I am certified and licensed by the PA Department of Agriculture. I carry full and comprehensive insurance on myself and my company at all times and will gladly provide copies of any documentation upon request.
Is your work guaranteed?
Yes. All of my work is guaranteed in writing from the day of treatment to December 31st of the year in which the work was performed – well into the dead of winter. If the bees come back, The Bee Hunter comes back.
Safety of Bee Removal & Wasp Control
How soon does the Rapid Response & Removal Treatment work?
Most of the bees (wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets) are killed instantly, within a matter of minutes. The few remaining stragglers will die off over a few days.
How safe are the methods and materials that you use? I’m concerned for my family and our pets.
I use only those methods and materials approved by Federal and State regulatory agencies. Additionally, I apply them carefully and in areas where you are unlikely to even come into contact with them. Ultimately, the danger presented by stinging insects can well exceed any concern for the materials used to kill and control them.
Bee Removal Procedures and Methods
How do you perform bee removal services and wasp control?
That varies widely based on the type of insect and their nest location. In all cases I will locate, destroy, and (whenever possible)remove the nest.
Don’t you have to exterminate bees at night?
The optimal time to do exterminate bees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets, and other stinging insects depends on the type of insect and their nest location. Dawn, morning, afternoon, evening, late night – I’ll get them anytime!
How long does it typically take to remove bees and/or wasps?
Generally, no more than an hour or two.
Will the bees come back next year?
No, not the ones I treat and kill. If you see any bees the following year they will not be related to ones I killed the previous year.
Do you wear one of those funny suits?
Absolutely! Getting to wear one of those suits is the best part of the job. I’m covered head to toe in protective clothing: hat & netting, eyewear, gloves, boots, and the suit.
So then all that gear keeps you from getting stung?
Not at all. While the protective gear is very effective, bees can and do slip through to remind me just how clever and aggressive they can be.
Does it still hurt even after being stung so many times?
Oh yeah.
I have some more questions not addressed in these FAQs.
I’ll be happy to answer any additional questions or concerns; just give me a “buzz”.
Call The Bee Hunter Today
If you have a bee problem, a hornet nest, or need wasp control in or around your home or business, contact The Bee Hunter, aka Jim Abraham, today.
The Bee Hunter specializes in bee extermination and wasp control including hornets, wasps, yellow jackets, ground bees, carpenter bees, and honey bees. He is fully licensed, bonded and insured.
If you need help identifying your bee, see our information on different types of bees.
If you have additional questions about bee removal services, please see the bee information page.
The Bee Hunter services Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding Western Pennsylvania. See our Service Area page for more information.
The Bee Hunter can help keep your family and pets safe from bee stings – call today – 412-965-2448.
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