Honey Bees / Apis mellifera
These are the bees that people most often associate with “bees.” They are also one of the most beneficial insects on the planet. Their role in pollination is vital to all sorts of fruit and vegetable crops. It is the honey bees’ instrumental and indispensable role in pollination that makes their recent and unexplained disappearance, a phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder, such a great concern.
Bees in a hollow tree or beekeeper’s box are all well and good, but when they invade your home it can be quite a different story. Honey bees are capable of producing massive hives containing tens of thousands of workers and weighing hundreds of pounds – doesn’t go well in the living room, does it?
When honey bees nest inside a structure (such as your home) the nest is not at all visible. You’ll see them flying in and out at some small gap, crack, or crevice on the exterior of your house. Note: Please do not seal this entrance hole shut. Read my Common Questions About Bees for more information about this.
Because they are so beneficial to man and the environment, every effort is made to take these bees alive and transport them to a safe, more suitable location. In a situation where this is not possible, the bees will be destroyed and their nest removed. This is probably one of the most involved, tedious, and time-consuming jobs I do. It’s certainly the stickiest!
Call The Bee Hunter Today
If you have a bee problem, a hornet nest, or need wasp control in or around your home or business, contact The Bee Hunter, aka Jim Abraham, today.
The Bee Hunter specializes in bee extermination and wasp control including hornets, wasps, yellow jackets, ground bees, carpenter bees, and honey bees. He is fully licensed, bonded and insured.
If you need help identifying your bee, see our information on different types of bees.
If you have additional questions about bee removal services, please see the bee information page.
The Bee Hunter services Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding Western Pennsylvania. See our Service Area page for more information.
The Bee Hunter can help keep your family and pets safe from bee stings – call today – 412-965-2448.
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